About me....
Since I was born I felt a strong pull towards music, colors and energy. I remember being small,
not even 1 yr old - and thinking about the colors around me. I could see them around people, I could see when the colors would
change when people would tell the lie or felt strong emotions... My hands and my feet were always hot - to the point
I had to go to the bathroom to wet the towell with the cold water to cool my feet and hands palms off - to be able to fall
asleep. I was doing it for a few years ....
One day I saw from our balcony a cat being hit by the car. I ran downstairs - and as much as was
afraid - I felt a strong compassion for that poor, stray cat - and even if he was dead /I thought/ I wouldn't let any other
car to run over it again. I picked him up with my hands, not thinking even about the blood - and carefully, crying my heart
out - put him down on a grass. The cat was dying - and I was crying to Angels to help him to pass away faster, so he won't
feel much pain... To my surprise the cat stood up, and very slow and shaky went away. I knew he went to die away from everyone,
as all the wild animals do. I noticed then how my hands got hot, burning hot - and when I was touching the cat - my hands
seemed glued to his body for a while - until I was pushed away. I didn't give it much thought - but I started to touch animals
and plants - to "get rid" of the heat.
Not to help them - but to help myself.
The cat came back 3 days later and I was the only human that was able to touch him. We've became good
friends for many years.
I was 8 yrs old and that moment started my conscious
journey into spiritual healing.
My hands would still hurt me with the heat - especially during the night the heat in my hands and
feet wouldn't let me fall asleep until I found a way to cool it off somehow.
I was 13 yrs old when I found in my favourite magazine an article about Reiki. I saw the picture
of hands with a bright light around them - and it was something very familiar. I contacted the trainers with a hope they will
help me and they will heal me...
My energy field was measured and I was told I'm a natural healer and the heat I feel in my hands
and feet - is the healing energy. I was offered an attunement - and I took my I level Reiki class that weekend. With the attunement
the heat on my hands would never came back - only when I "switched it on" by asking for Reiki to channel through...
Few years later I was ready to attend the II level Reiki - and in 2001 I became a Reiki Master/Teacher.