A very special generation is being born into the Humanity. We never stopped evolving - and
the children are the proof... They're called The Indigos, The Crystal Children, Rainbow Children... They are highly sensitive
- and they are here to show us and REMIND us what is also ours - the understanding and knowing that goes way beyond the physical
level of our egsistence.
These children present with many different gifts as well as challenges and are often misunderstood.
They have been diagnosed with such things as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
or Autism.
They do not need to be fixed or drugged! What they really need is for us to see that there
can be a different way to do things.
The children love the Reiki and they can gracefully receive the energy and share
it. Reiki can be a helpful "tool" for them and their parents /and teachers/to deal with the rapid changes that are happening
and that are coming our way that require a constant balancing.
To learn more about this subject, please go to the websites: